National Lok Adalat & Consumer Awareness Programme on Lok Adalat Organized

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Assam State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission & District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Kamrup jointly organised National Lok Adalat & Consumer Awareness Programme on Lok Adalat on 14th September in the Office Premises of State Commission in Housefed Complex.

Justice (Retd.) Prasanta Kumar Deka, President, Assam State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ; Sushil Kumar Sarma, Soneka Bora, Tapas, Kumar Ghosh, Member of the State Commission ; Jamatul Isla, Ex-Member, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Kamrup ; Raju Goswami, Advocate, Gauhati High Court; Ajoy Hazarika, Advocate, Gauhati High Court & Secretary, Consumers’ Legal Protection Forum, Assam ; Rajesh Kumar Bhatra, Advocate, Gauhati High Court ; Pori Barman, Advocate, Gauhati High Court; Dr. Shahnaz Rahman, Advocate, Gauhati High Court Dr. Nikita Barooah, Advocate, Gauhati High Court, Mridusmita Bora, ACS, Administrative Officer-cum-Registrar along with Officers/Official of Various Banks & Insurance Company; Students of various College/University; Officers/officials from various offices of Housefed Premises was present in the program.

Speakers of the programme placed their valuable speech on the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 and the rights of the consumer under the Act, and Disputes Redressal Commission under the said Act.

Immediately after the Awareness Programme, Lok Adalat was held in the Office premises of the State Commission. Few cases have been settled in the said Lok adalat. In the said Lok Adalat Rajesh Kumar Bhatra, Advocate, Gauhati High Court ; Pori Barman, Advocate, Gauhati High Court ; Dr. Shahnaz Rahman, Advocate, Gauhati High Court ; Dr. Nikita Barooah, Advocate, Gauhati High Court were the Conciliator, along with Soneka Bora , Sushil Kumar Sarma, Tutumoni Deva Goswam & Tapas Kumar Ghosh as Member.

Besides the settlement of cases in the said Lok Adalat, the State Commission has been delivering various judgments on merit in favour of the consumers for deficiency of services on the part of Insurance Company, Bank, Financial Institutions, deficiency of service and negligence on the part of hospital / doctors etc.

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