The Governor of Nagaland & Assam Prof Jagdish Mukhi on Friday mentioned that “farmers should be issued land cards so that they can be guided at what type of crops should be sowed in their soil.” according to the PRO Raj Bhavan, Prof Jagdish Mukhi stated this during his visit to tuophema village where he held an interaction programme at Village Council Hall, Tuophema village.The Governor assured that “government is committed to provide seeds, manure for the dedicated farmers, or pesticides if essential.” market linkage, transportation, modern facilities etc being another important factor, he assured “the government will take into account for it.” “Government shall ensure the crops are being insured in the PM scheme to get the full return of their produce and that farmers should get proper value for the produce,” he Mukhi also remarked that government jobs is almost exhausted now, therefore, he urged the youths especially the literate to venture and expedite in the field of agriculture, “having agriculture at their own land with the latest technologies with the help of the government will boost up the economy of the State,” he stated.meanwhile, reminding that Nagas are expecting a lasting peace agreement, the Governor expressed confidence that “a final agreement one that is fair to most of us and meets the expectations and aspirations will be reached soon.” earlier, Vice Chairman, Tuophema Village Council, Dziesengulie Seyie delivered the welcome address, cultural show was presented by Tuophema Women Cultural group and Neichiituo Rio and Party.A brief report was presented by Joint Forest Management Committee, Tuophema and Khrukhre VLO Tuophema.later, the Governor visited the Rural museum, amphitheatre and the Kense morung of the village.
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