Nagaland state team led by Temsunaro Aier, State Mission Director Samagra Shiksha Nagaland attended the National Workshop on dissemination of Foundational Learning Study and Way Forward at New Delhi on November was conducted by the Ministry of Education, Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of India.the FLS was conducted all over the country in the month of March 2022 covering 86000 Grade-3 students from 10000 Nagaland 669 students from 75 Sample schools involving 146 teachers were involved in the assessment.this study was conducted to assess the learning achievement levels of students in acquisition of Foundational Literacy & Numeracy goals.the National average achievement in FLS is 52% out of the sample Study.As per the study, 28% from Nagaland out of the sample schools attained the benchmark of the FLS.State Mission Director was accompanied by Veketulu Veyie, Sr. Lecturer SCERT, Benjungdenla Yaden Reader, SCERT and Kelhikha Kenye, Deputy Mission Director Samagra Shiksha, Nagaland.
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