Mass wedding of 5 couples solemnised in Zunheboto.

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Five couples were solemnised by Dr Hutton Sumi, Pastor, Sumi Baptist Church Zunheboto at its ‘first of its kind Mass Wedding’ on October 6.the church official said that “this being the first time of mass wedding there must be some critics”,however, he thinks “the church was doing it for a better cause” and added that “one of the reasons was time constraints.” In a press release the official informed that the church had 104 weddings last year and, “we expect everyone for our wedding and for long run many office goers and professional workers have missed 104 office days in a year that equals to more than 3 months and that the church decided for mass wedding in financial perspective too which effected many church members in the past and taking this initiative was to help the church members and the this year they planned for mass wedding which was a grand success.”

The overall congregation that turn up for wedding was around 3500 and that this had saved them five-days as five-couples got married together, the release stated. Stating that the mode of single couple wedding to mass wedding has changed, “but the holy matrimonial vow remains the same and not an iota of vow has been taken away from what it used to be adding that this being first there might have been some loopholes but they will improvise with time and in changing time like this they have to go along with time and therefore, they are trying to bring change in the mode of marriage.” According to the press release, the official informed that the church will have five more mass wedding until December where 28 couples will be vowed and hoped that “this small change will bring a lot of impact among the church members and in long run to people around them and further hope this will have good impact more than that of negative impact.” Earlier the ceremony was chaired by Ghunato Asumi, Associate Pastor General SBCZ, invocation pronounced by Hilotoli Awomi Assoc. Pastor (C), special song presented by Music Committee SBCZ and concluded with benediction said by Itokato Chophy, Associate Pastor.

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